Deep Relaxation is the key word to this treatment!
This is a very light touch holistic massage which is gentle, soothing, and almost hypnotic to feel,
it has been described as 'physical hypnotherapy'.
It can be a full body treatment or as either a hand or foot massage if this is all that is needed.
The M-Technique is a series of stroking movements performed in a set sequence at a set pressure and set pace. It is different from conventional massage as it follows a choreographed sequence of strokes that never changes. Each stroke is repeated x3 as this builds the confidence and removes anxiety from the person who is receiving, and the reason behind this - as with the first stroke the person will pay attention to what is being done, the second time the person recognises the movement, and on the third stroke this person knows what is going to happen and begins to relax.
This massage is suitable for people who find convential massage too uncomfortable.
The M-Technique is suitable for the critically ill, actively dying, or very fragile or the elderly. It can help with pain relief, arthritis, insomnia, relaxation, anxiety and stress.
I have Clients who adore and love this treatment, and when I did volunteering at the Coventry and Warwick Hospice's, the patients, staff and families so loved this relaxing massage.
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'M' Technique was created by Dr. Jane Buckle when she worked as a critical care nurse at the National Heart Hospital in London. It is used widely in hospitals throughout the USA and in 15 hospices in this country to help with pain relief and to the calm the terminally ill.
A truely beautiful treatment...